Learning Resources For Kids In K-7 Grades
- What is the boiling point of zinc? Science experiment for kids
- How aerodynamics occurs in Ice Hockey
- At What Diameter Does an Aluminum Boat Sink?
- Butterfly Wings: How we can use nature to Learn About Flight
- Helicopter Liftoff: How Does the Speed of the Rotor determine Lift?
- Test Paper Planes with Different Drag
- How and why do boats float? How Much Weight Can Your Boat Float?
- The Swimming Secrets of Duck Feet: Rowing a duck like a boat
- The Science of Launching an Airplane by Catapult: What is the mechanism behind?
- What is viscosity? Investigating Fluid Viscosity
- How Parachutes work: Does Size Matter?
- Understanding Aerodynamics in Rockets: A simple experiment.
- The pattern of Airflow in a Wind Tunnel: Simple experiment
- Understanding Frisbee Aerodynamics Through A Simple Experiment.
- Ten Ways to Reduce Your Classroom’s Carbon Footprint
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Social Studies
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Jude Mphoweh