Teaching and development go hand in hand. Educators are constantly upgrading and changing to the latest methods of studies, for betterment of all students. Additionally, there is much evidence that shows the importance of teaching mindfulness to younger people.

Generally, benefits of teaching mindfulness is the skills that help student in context of education. Mindfulness helps the student to improve their ability in listening and paying attention when needed. Focusing on one thing at a time. Below are some of the practices that you should bring to your classroom.

1. Start with a mindful moment

When it comes to high and middle school students, school is a very busy place for them Also in elementary schools, kids spend much of their time responding to the environment and taking information. They also interacting with other kids. We hardly offer them time to settle their nerves.

Typically, all their energy and attention are focused on the new task. Before you start your classes, you can have a mindful moment. You can request the students to close their eyes and take deep breaths. However, that will depend if they are comfortable with closing their eyes. This exercise will offer mindfulness to them.

2. Practice mindful listening

Mindful listening is the simplest way to introduce mindfulness to a child. This is because it is easy for a kid to concentrate on something like sound.

3. Have mindful break

This practice will only take only a few minutes. It will offer your students a much-needed break. Occasionally, teachers are always in a hurry to finish their lessons and they forget to allow a small break to the brain. The brain break after classes is essential for comprehending the information learned. Having student’s mindfulness is very important and will help a teacher to know when the students are not concentrating.

4. finish with a mindful moment

At the end of your lesson, request your students to close their eyes for 3 to 5 minutes, and concentrate on their breath. Typically, it will allow them to comprehend what they have learned and get ready for the next class. This is a positive way to end your lesson.

5. Check with your attention

The variation of attention break is to let the teacher make an announcement; thus, “Attention check.” You can apply this technique at the beginning of class, or at the middle of group work. When you ask students to pause, you will get to know where their minds were.

The most important thing here is to understand where their minds were, and how to bring back their mind. Generally, we cannot make the children pay attention or focus on something, but they will also develop when you practice this attention check in, they will be more advanced at monitoring their attention.

 Final Verdict

Mindful awareness is very important to all the students. However, you should practice one of the above ways during your lessons.