How can students develop higher order thinking skills?


Teaching students will require you to prepare them with the right academic knowledge. Equipping them with the right skills that will help them to reason like adults and contribute to the society is very important. Typically, higher order training skills help children to see the problems in front of them from a different perspective. On the other hand, instead of depending on the rot skills like memorization; students who acquire high order thinking skills, normally think critically. Additionally, they help in offering solutions to some major world problems. Therefore, this is a very important task for all students. Below are some of the ways that can be used to develop higher order thinking skills (HOT).

  1. Through Games

Game-based lessons have been discussed as one of the great ways to cultivate higher order thinking skills. Whether you are applying old strategies that are necessary in chess or concentrating on a certain subject, through a game that will incorporate mathematical concepts, the students will sharpen the skills required to navigate to game victory. However, these activities need the student to evaluate evidence and consider all the decisions according to information provided.

2. Read between the lines

To develop higher thinking skills, students must cultivate their inferring abilities. Through ways, which they use for reasoning to evaluate the evidence and develop a presumption; students will increase their higher order thinking skills. Let the students learn not to expect first or quick answers to any problem. The best approach is to assign reading work, which will challenge them and force them to think critically, concerning topics given. On the other hand, teachers that cultivate skeptical readers, they offer students with more meaningful chances, which will develop a higher order thinking skill.

3. Project-based learning

Generally, the advantages of project-based learning are that students can get opportunity to practice what they best understand. Through discussions with other classmates and working as a team on the project. Through that students will develop higher order thinking skills. Typically, they will be engaging in questions and taking the information learned in their classes to solve some problems. Thus, critically thinking.

4. Answering students’ question

Teachers and parents play a big role in encouraging higher order thinking skills. They should practice answering questions, which will leave the student researching and thinking critically. This is a very important part of growth of a student. During the lessons, you should encourage your students to list the multiple possibilities towards solving a problem. The students should be taught not to except for the first possible answer. Generally, this concept of (HOT) has been introduced to many school programs around the world.

Final Verdict


To remain relevant, many employees are looking for the values and skills that will benefit their companies. Typically, they do not consider a person who can think outside the box, but the one who can reshape something and offer it different approach while solving the problem. Close monitoring your students is very important.